Sunday, April 14, 2019
More Pictures from my Western Pacific Visits
From the top: S/V Ruach view from the bow, Bell on S/V Ruach, New YWAM Base just outside Port Moresby, Woodworking container Built and shipped by YWAM Ships Norway loaded on the deck of the M/V YWAM Liberty in Port Moresby, girl receiving gift from Operation Christmas Child at Local Church in Port Moresby, Team Spaghetti on the YWAM Liberty, YWAM Liberty crew, S/V Beatnik, Great Mercury Island, New Zealand, Beatnik under sail rounding the Coromandel Peninsula, NZ, Lauren and me at the waterfall on the Marine Reach base, Tauranga, NZ.
What do I do?
I sat down with my long time friend Nancy the other day
while she was visiting extended family in Kona.
She had been with me since the beginning of my faith
journey. I clearly remember the day in
2005 when the small group from my local church prayed for me. They gave me a picture of angels in the place
of a figurehead on the bow of a sailboat.
Boy have I kept my angels busy.
Nancy asked “What do you do?”
My role with YWAM Ships has changed over the past 5
years. It is all about “Transformation”
I am being transformed from a “git er done” taskmaster, to
understanding that God brings about transformation through relationships. Relationships are the main thing. That is why
I travel- to build relationships. In my
travels this year I met a missionary from Wycliff. His title is “Director for Strategic
Relationships”. I think that’s a good
description of the Holy Spirit and how he works in my life.
In New Zealand, I was filling the role of Designated Person
Ashore (DPA) for our medical ship the YWAM Liberty in Papua New Guinea. (and
developing strategic relationships).
In Port Moresby while onboard the YWAM Liberty I served as
Ship Manager, during that time I had to
face some of my own unresolved issues as I helped to resolve many conflicts in
relationships. I also built
relationships with key people on board which helps me trouble shoot situations
on board while in my current role of Fleet Support in Kona.
In Newcastle, Australia
I was able to catch up with the staff of YWAM Newcastle, debrief Katie,
a student from the September 2018 SONS who was earning credit for field
experience on the S/V Ruach, as well as make new friends who will surely fit
into the YWAM Ships story in the future.
All the while developing, improving and expanding our School
of Navigation and Seamanship, which you guessed it requires good communications
and teamwork in relationships.
Sunday, September 17, 2017
Theology of Vocation Sept 2017
Theology of Vocation Sept 2017
U of N Workshop San Jose, Costa Rica
U of N Workshop San Jose, Costa Rica
A friend asked me to explain the Theology of Vocation in a “nutshell”. In simplest terms: with God there is no
separation between sacred and secular.
The Highest Calling for all Christians is our personal relationship with
Maureen Menard summarizes Skye Jethani’s teaching like this:
The Highest Calling is
communion with God the Father, through Jesus, by the Holy Spirit. It is from this relationship alone we are to
dray our value and significance.
The Common Calling is
to live out the commands of Scripture.
All Christians are called to share the Gospel, to love our neighbor, to
be generous, to show Compassion, and so on.
The Specific Calling is
to respond to the particular leading of the Holy Spirit in each area of life.
This teaching has given me language to express the journey I
have been on since “the Accident” on January 3, 2015, when we lost a crew
member Aaron Bremner and the sailing vessel Hawaii Aloha.
That event was a restart for me. Recovery was and still is a process. The most important lesson I have learned is
how much God loves me. I often feel
compelled by Holy Spirit to share my story, especially how if God loves me that
much he loves you that much too. No
matter what you have done.
My Specific Calling is to train Mariners. While the skills are important, the most
important thing I can do is encourage others to pursue their Highest Calling.
Saturday, September 16, 2017
Costa Rica
David Hamilton teaching on The Story of God.
Costa Rican family
YWAM Founder Loren Cunningham blessing the Nations
Flag of Costa Rica
Dancers in the Welcoming ceremony

Friday, September 15, 2017
The grand kids came to visit our training vessel in Kona.
Zoe age 5
Althea age 2

left to right: Sophia age 31/2, Aletheia, Grandma Ann, Zoe

Pictures from my visit to the family in Hilo. I am so blessed that they live on the same Island!
My daughter Sabeth with Luke age 3 months.

Monday, August 7, 2017
Family moving my daughters family from Eugene Oregon to Hilo Hawaii.
These pictures are not in order. I spent two weeks in Eugene taking care of the girls while Sabeth and Will packed. Then we had a two day road trip to Los Angeles with one over night in Sacramento. Will drove the family van with all of kids (four car seats). I drove a rental car with all of the luggage.
We had one full day in Disneyland, shipped the van from Long Beach to Hilo, then the seven of us flew non stop from LAX to Hilo.

Blueberry picking in Oregon. Yum!

This picture was taken at 3:45 a.m. on departure day from Oregon, just before we loaded the girls into the van. They were great travelers!

Playing with Bobbles in Hilo.

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