Sunday, September 29, 2013

Video of ships arrival in Kona

Great video of the ships arrival in Kona.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Front Page news

Here is a link
About the arrival of the boat in Kona.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Sunday church services

Today I will go to church in Hilo. I already miss our Sunday services at Sea. I feel really close to heaven, when I am in the middle of the ocean.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Thanks for all the Prayers

Our trip across the Pacific was smooth and uneventful, just the way I like it. No accidents, no injuries and just enough mechanical challenges to keep the McGuyver's  in the crew occupied. The Caribbean Reach is a big heavy boat so when the winds became light, we had to motor sail.  I am so thankful for Jesse and Mike Harris who completely rebuilt the 671 Detroit Diesel. They kept the engine purring. If we did not have the engine, I would not be writing this now.  We would still be bobbing around in the middle of the Pacific.

We will be leaving Hilo soon and preparing for a grand arrival in Kona on September 21.
Thank you for all of the prayers. I know it made all the difference in having a safe smooth passage.

Safe arrival in Hilo

We had calm seas For a quick safe 16 day trip across the Pacific. We arrived in Hilo On September 11, 2013.