Sunday, September 17, 2017

Theology of Vocation Sept 2017

 Theology of Vocation Sept 2017
U of N Workshop  San Jose, Costa Rica

A friend asked me to explain the Theology of Vocation in a “nutshell”.   In simplest terms: with God there is no separation between sacred and secular.  The Highest Calling for all Christians is our personal relationship with God.  

Maureen Menard summarizes Skye Jethani’s teaching like this:

The Highest Calling is communion with God the Father, through Jesus, by the Holy Spirit.  It is from this relationship alone we are to dray our value and significance.

The Common Calling is to live out the commands of Scripture.  All Christians are called to share the Gospel, to love our neighbor, to be generous, to show Compassion, and so on.

The Specific Calling is to respond to the particular leading of the Holy Spirit in each area of life.

This teaching has given me language to express the journey I have been on since “the Accident” on January 3, 2015, when we lost a crew member Aaron Bremner and the sailing vessel Hawaii Aloha.

That event was a restart for me.  Recovery was and still is a process.  The most important lesson I have learned is how much God loves me.  I often feel compelled by Holy Spirit to share my story, especially how if God loves me that much he loves you that much too.  No matter what you have done. 

My Specific Calling is to train Mariners.  While the skills are important, the most important thing I can do is encourage others to pursue their Highest Calling.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Costa Rica

David Hamilton teaching on The Story of God.

Costa Rican family
YWAM Founder Loren Cunningham blessing the Nations
Flag of Costa Rica
Dancers in the Welcoming ceremony

Friday, September 15, 2017


The grand kids came to visit our training vessel in Kona.
Zoe age 5

Althea  age 2

left to right:  Sophia age 31/2, Aletheia, Grandma Ann,  Zoe

Pictures from my visit to the family in Hilo.  I am so blessed that they live on the same Island!
My daughter Sabeth with Luke age 3 months.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Family moving my daughters family from Eugene Oregon to Hilo Hawaii.

These pictures are not in order.  I spent two weeks in Eugene taking care of the girls while Sabeth and Will packed.  Then we had a two day road trip to Los Angeles with one over night in Sacramento.  Will drove the family van with all of kids (four car seats).  I drove a rental car with all of the luggage.

We had one full day in Disneyland, shipped the van from Long Beach to Hilo, then the seven of us flew non stop from LAX to Hilo.

Blueberry picking in Oregon.  Yum!

This picture was taken at 3:45 a.m. on departure day from Oregon, just before we loaded the girls into the van.  They were great travelers!

Playing with Bobbles in Hilo.


Ann serves as Ship Manager on the Maiden Voyage of the M/V YWAM PNG
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Hi Ann

I flew to Cairns Australia on April 26 to serve as Ship Manager on YWAM's newest ship the YWAM Liberty.  After a very intense time of getting the ship ready for her Maiden Voyage and first outreaches in Papua New Guinea, we departed Cairns on June 3.
After I  shared my testimony and the YWAM Ships story at the Millaa Millaa  Christian Fellowship, church members sent boxes of books and school supplies for a school in Kimbe.  These were delivered the day before I left Kimbe.
Captain Laurie inducting the Alotau team
9 Alotau youth joined the crew in Alotau and will serve on board the YWAM Liberty for 2 months.  Five were students in my Introduction to Safety and Seamanship class in March.  What a powerful example that God does produce fruit when we faithfully sow seed.
Praise reports and Prayer Requests
Praise -
Thank you to all of you who have supported me financially and especially in prayer.

God performed so many miracles to get the YWAM Liberty to Papua New Guinea.

My daughter and her family are moving to Hilo!

Prayer requests -

More crew for the YWAM Liberty and the Pacific Link.

Staff and students for the School of Navigation and Seamanship beginning September 28.

Safe travel as I leave Australia, fly to Kona, then on to Eugene, Oregon.  I will be helping my daughter move, driving to LA, then flying to Hilo with Sabeth and Will, and their 4 kids: Zoe, Sophia, Aletheia, and Luke.
Please let me know how I can be praying for you .  Aloha,  Captain Ann
Captain Ann
Thanks for following my journey.  I'm doing my best to keep everyone in the loop. More pictures and stories are on my blog.  Click below to partner with me in my missionary service. 
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Captain Ann flies to Cairns, Australia to serve on the M/V YWAM Liberty
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Hi Ann

 I will be flying to Cairns, Australia to serve on this amazing ship next week.  After returning from Antarctica, the ship was gifted to YWAM and renamed the M/V YWAM Liberty.  While on board I will help with preparations  for medical outreaches in Papua New Guinea.
The Introduction to Safety and Seamanship at the  YWAM Alotau Campus was a great Success!  45 students ages 16 -55 attended class all 5 days.   The  long term goal is to establish a University of the Nations Campus in Alotau, PNG.
Thank you for your Prayers and Support
I feel so honored to be able to use my gifts and experience to help other people.  I could not do it without you. Your prayers and financial support are making an impact. The students enjoyed learning to use basic navigation skills to calculate the course, distance and time to get to Samurai Island. They are also learning skills to chart their personal course through life.

Sepik River Village Welcome 

The work I do during the ship's maintenance period helps to keep the ship running safely so outreach teams can deliver medical care to remote villages. Read the latest report
Prayer Requests
Please Pray for YWAM Ships to have all of the resources and  personnel  we need as we grow our capacity with bigger ships.

I will be leading the School of Navigation and Seamanship September quarter in Kona.  Pray that we have staff for the school and to cover Fleet Support.

As a volunteer with YWAM I pay for all of my expenses. I need $4000 to cover my travel expenses.
Please let me know how I can be praying for you .  Aloha,  Captain Ann
Captain Ann
Thanks for following my journey.  I'm doing my best to keep everyone in the loop. More pictures and stories are on my blog. Click below to partner with me in my missionary service. 
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Copyright © 2017 Captain Ann Ford YWAM Ships Kona, All rights reserved.
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