Sunday, July 27, 2008

Celebrating Landfall

We had champagne at the fuel dock and a wonderful farewell dinner on Friday Night.

spinnaker on a calm day

We did have a few days when the wind was very light. We did not want to burn all of our fuel so we broke out the spinnaker.

4th of July

Our friend Gary sent along a surprise for the 4th of July.

Broken windvane self steering

On day 4 the servo pendulum rudder on the windvane self steering broke. The picture shows the metal failure that was up inside the unit where we could not see it before departure.
The rest of the trip required hand steering. The crew was fantastic. We all took our turns at the wheel. Life boiled down to eat, sleep and steer with maintenance and sail changes thrown in on a regular basis.

Arrived in San Diego

We arrived in San Diego at 3 p.m. on Friday July 25th.
We were at sea for 28 days. We hit some rough weather but overall it was a good trip.
Here is a picture from the top of the mast before departure and a picture of the crew just before departing.