Sunday, June 16, 2013

Bluewater Send-Off

It is great to be part of a church community that understands sailing.  I am blessed to be under the covering of Pastor Jordan Seng and Bluewater Missions. 
Today was my last Sunday at church. Thank you to all of my Bluewater supporters.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The YWAM Adventure begins

So much has happened since my last post in 2008. Mainly I got a "real job" teaching in an elementary school.  I may write about that at some point.  Right now I am happy to announce that I am moving on! 18 months ago when asked, "If you had no limitations, what would you do?" I answered, "I would take a sailboat to the remote islands in Micronesia and help to meet the needs of the people there."  In February of this year I accepted the invitation to join the staff of Youth with a Mission (YWAM), as a Captain on their sailboat, taking outreach teams to remote islands in Micronesia. God answers prayers!

The details are falling into place.  I leave Oahu on July 2.
Majuro, Republic of the Marshall Islands